Hey 👋

Case Tracking Update: March 10, 2020

Case Tracking Update: March 10, 2020

As the weeks have passed, it’s time for an update. As of today, the US has surpassed 1,000 cases. I keep hearing that “it’s not as bad as the flu” - this is a complete red herring. [side note, the flu is also a serious illness that causes hundreds of thousands of hospitalizations and tens of thousands of deaths each year. The difference is that we’re lucky to have a baseline level of immunity and we also have vaccines.]

If we take action, we hope that we can limit the spread and the casualties that will inevitably occur. If we do not, it will almost certainly be far, far worse than the flu, because our population has no pre-existing immunity to this virus and we do not yet have effective treatments. The biggest risk is of a large number of individuals becoming sick at the same time, overwhelming our health care facilities and forcing health care providers to choose which individuals would receive treatment. Paradoxically, it’s often those who have the most mild illness who, being up and about, can be the “super-spreaders” and contribute to a steep curve of contagion. If you’re still debating attending or hosting large public gatherings, you can read about the infamous Philadelphia parade responsible for spreading Spanish Flu. Don’t be that guy.

This time, I would like to direct you to a group-effort update, an open letter from technologists, epidemiologists & medical professionals, on how to exhibit leadership through civic duty:

Learn more about how cancelled events and self-quarantines save lives. #flattenthecurve

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I feel that these are strong sources of important, up-to-date information.
You may track the US statistics here.

[Edited/Rearranged for flow, and again after considering how fast this is evolving] please consider getting your flu shot if you’re high risk & your location has not yet been hit with confirmed local spread. We’re going to need EVERY bed we have - Going to a pharmacy is a higher risk location, particularly when there is confirmed local spread. It is a situation where I, personally, would wear a mask not only to protect myself, but also to prevent spreading germs to others. I would try not touch anything, not touch my face or hair, carry hand sanitizer, and then carefully remove clothes into a washer and shower, soaping well, especially between my fingers and up to my elbows, and washing my hair afterwards. This is an evolving situation and you should evaluate your individual situation, considering that the reality of the number of infections is likely two weeks ahead of known cases, and is rapidly evolving as our testing is improving.

Warmly, with my hand on my heart,


P.S. Knowledge and planning is the cure for panic.


Title Image Credit: @lukejerram

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